Jay is the resident surly Asian movie snob at Flickhead Video, the video store two doors away from the Multiplex 10. He began dating Becky from the Multiplex 10 on New Year’s 2007, but he broke up with her after a few months because he thought she was in love with Jason. A few months later, Becky appeared at Flickhead Video and asked Jay to give her another chance. Things seemed to progress well, and they became officially boyfriend/girlfriend.
Jay was occasionally torn between his loyalty to Becky and to Flickhead Video, but when he learned that Curtis had conspired with Gretchen in order to win a Football ’09 tournament against the Multiplex gang, he quit — and started working at the Multiplex.
After a year of working at the theater together, Jay proposed to Becky on Valentine’s Day, and her reaction was… not what he had hoped. They broke up, and he went back to Flickhead Video, where his friend Curtis welcomed him with open arms.