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This feature allows you to “tag” or bookmark where you are in the Multiplex archives.
To save your place, just click on ‘Tag This Comic’! Next time you return, you can easily keep reading from where you left off by clicking on ‘Go to Tag.’
This is useful for reading (or re-reading!) the archives in multiple sittings, or if you only visit the site every now and then.
NOTE: If you tag the front page of the site, it will save the current strip!
Thank you again to everybody who has done a guest strip in the past couple of weeks (in celebration of Multiplex's 5th anniversary). Wednesday's comic by Shannon Saar has been moved into the Guest Strips section now, so if you missed that, you can check it out here.
There may or may not be ONE LAST guest strip (for now) tomorrow. I don't know yet, sorry!
What I do know is that I've gotten the proofs back for Multiplex: Enjoy Your Show (a.k.a. Book 1) from the printer, and I'll will be very busy going over that for the next several days. So far, the color looks great! I'm getting really excited about finally getting this thing into peoples' hands.